Scan and Search, Make Your Life Easier..."


It is a cloud based digital document creation and archiving system. In the archiving process, which starts with transferring the existing physical documents to the system by taking photos or scanning, the documents reaching to the server are subjected to OCR (Optical Character Recognition) operation. After the transaction, printed documents are transferred to the database with a success rate of 90% -95%. Through these processes, you can search for a word and word group written in the documents and access the original documents.

Security at Envantera

The data sent from the end-user computer to the Server is backed up by encrypting the data on the end-user computer. In this way, company documents can only be accessed through the Envantera.

Sharing at Envantera

You can share the documents you have scanned safely or sent to the system after taking photo of it with another user. You can give View, Print, Download and Delete rights to the shared person, and specify the actions to be performed on the file. When a document is added to the system, the document will be visible according to the Manager-Employee relationship.

You can also see the shortcuts of the operations you can do on the system, the list of unread documents and the recent activities that we call the LOG File. Managers can see their own Logs and Logs of employees.